Participate in a Study

We invite people of all ages and backgrounds to participate in the exciting research studies being conducted here at Pennington Biomedical. The studies are at no charge to you and many of them offer compensation for volunteers who participate. Below are our ongoing pediatric clinical studies:

BabyEE Pilot

Metabolism is a major component of health, especially infant health. Scientists are not sure how metabolism is inherited or what factors after birth may influence metabolism, so researchers at Pennington Biomedical are working to better understand the factors that impact metabolism development in infants.

Born 2 Burn Calories

The Born2Burn Calories (B2B) research study aims to understand how infants burn calories in early life through a special type of fat that infants have.

Shape Up! Keiki

The purpose of the Shape Up! Keiki research study is to create a better way to measure and describe health from body shape.



If you’re 18 or older, there may be other studies that you can join. Click here to find out about these studies or call 225-763-3000 to learn how you can be a volunteer!

If you don't see a trial that fits your interests or needs, click here to complete a questionnaire and we will contact you about any future trials for which you may qualify.