Participate in a Study
Born 2 Burn Calories Study
Study Type
Study Purpose
The Born2Burn Calories (B2B) research study aims to understand how infants burn calories in early life through a special type of fat that infants have.
About the Study
Qualified participants will complete 2 visits to the Pennington Biomedical Clinic. The infant’s body fat will be measured three different ways and metabolism will be measured. The infant’s parent or guardian will answer questions about his or her infant’s health, feeding habits, and lifestyle.
Study Design
- 2 visits to the Pennington Biomedical Clinic
- Length, weight, and circumferences
- Metabolism by indirect calorimetry
- PEA POD scan (to measure body fat)
- DXA scan (to measure amount of bone, muscle, and body fat)
- MRI (to measure body fat in the upper back and neck area)
- Questionnaires
Number of Visits:
All study-related procedures will be provided at no cost to you or your infant. You may also be provided with some of your infant’s health results at the end of study upon request.
Study Qualifications
- Is considered healthy and between 0-21 days (3 weeks) old
- Was born later than 36 weeks
Your infant may qualify for this study if he or she:
Study Duration
Participation in this research study will last up to 14 days.
Participants will receive up to $150 upon completion of the study.
Study Contact
If you are currently pregnant or have a 0-3 week old newborn and are interested in volunteering for this research study, call 225-326-0546 or email
If you think you may be eligible, please click the button below to screen online.

Please do not fill out this questionnaire for anyone other than yourself unless you are their legal guardian.
If you know someone who may be interested please direct them to the site or have them call us directly at 225-763-3000.
If you’re 18 or older, there may be other studies that you can join. Click here to find out about these studies or call 225-763-3000 to learn how you can be a volunteer!
If you don't see a trial that fits your interests or needs, click here to complete a questionnaire and we will contact you about any future trials for which you may qualify.